Bwitt 4KW Solar System Inverter 50A 12 yá 24 yá 36V yá 48V Auto work Solar Charge Controller jar inversor energía eléctrica 'bu̲ ar red
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The4KW Solar System Inverter controller charging process has been optimized for long battery life and improved system performance. Self-diagnostics and electronic error protections prevent damage when installation mistakes or system faults occur. The controller also features four adjustable setting switches, RS485/RS232/Ethernet communication port (GPRS/DAU Optional) and terminal for remote battery temperature measurement.

  • 12/24/36V/48V-40A
  • 12/24/36V/48V-30A-H
  • 12/24/36V/48V-40A-H
  • 12/24/36V/48V-50A-L
  • 12/24/36V/48V-50A
  • 12/24/36V/48V-60A
  • 12/24/36V/48V-70A
  • 12/24/36V/48V-80A
  • 12/24/36V/48V-90A
  • 12/24/36V/48V-100A

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Bwitt 4KW Solar System Inverter 50A 12 yá 24 yá 36V yá 48V Auto work Solar Charge Controller jar inversor energía eléctrica 'bu̲ ar red


1.Heat sink Aluminum heat sink to dissipate controller Heat
2.Mounting hole Keyhole slot for mounting
3.Setting Switches Four setting switches to configure operation of the MPPT controller
4.Solar Positive Terminal Power connection for Solar(+) Solar Negative Terminal Power connection for solar(-)
5.Battery Positive Terminal Power connection for battery(+) Battery Negative Terminal Power connection for battery(-)
6.DC Load output
7.LCD screen Indicate the operating status

8.LED indicators LED indicators show charging status and controller faults
9.Wiring Box cover Sheet metal wiring box cover protect power connections
10.RS-485/232Port Terminal for RS-485/232 communication
11.Ethernet Port Terminal for Ethernet communication
12.Battery temperature Sensor Terminal for battery temperature detect and provide compensation




Mfädi pa NTS'EDI ya HWÄHI ar COMUNICACIÓN ar 1 — 10KW
1. Estación telecomunicaciones yá base yá equipo ya cable
2. Estación comunicación.
3. Made datos informático
4. Redes SCADA ne equipos datos
5. Base teléfono yá celular
6. Mpa̲ti base thuhu yá Emplazamientos celulares
7. Sala ar made ar monitoreo
8.Dispositivo WIFI ar Dähnini
9. Coche comunicación emergencia
10. Ferrocarril & 'ma̲i ár
11. Sistemas antenas distribuidas
12. Xí nzi & costa nthi
13. Sistemas gestión edificios
14. Sistemas alarma kontra ya incendios
15. Utilidades eléctricas Control ko ya /campo
16. Planta yá central eléctrica
17.Ko ar monitoreo ar energía
18.Ko energía solar
19.Ko energía eólica

Ventajas ar producto

1.12V/24V Auto work, parallel design
2.Multi-stage charging optimizes battery performance
3.MPPT efficiency >99.5%, Peak conversion efficiency 97.5% Wide range Solar PV voltage input 18V~100Vdc
4.Compatible with Gel. AGM.Flooded. Sealed lead acid and Lithium battery Multi-function LCD+LED display, 5.System information intuitively Comprehensive protection
6.Excellent heatsink cooling design, quiet operation Comfortable installation and commissioning
7.Plastic Casing, Economic design to save system cost

If you have some problems about Bwitt 4KW Solar System Inverter 50A 12/24/36V/48V Auto work Solar Charge Controller on off grid electric power inverter, wa ne ga pädi mäs detalles dige ar inversor telecomunicaciones montaje jar bastidor,Ko rectificador telecomunicaciones,Inicio Inversor onda sinusoidal pura,INVERSOR Solar MPPT,Convertidor de CC a CC, etc. Hogu̲ntso̲ho̲ ma ga contactar!

Esperamos ár hño nthoki !


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  • Kristin 10:12 AM, Nu'bya
    Di alegra ga hä ár 'me̲hni pa, ne nuna gehna kristin reponse jar nu'i